Event Rentals

Welcome. We offer rentals ranging from small meeting rooms to large assemblies. Rent is reasonable and helps support our mission and building expenses.


Large gatherings

  • Fellowship Hall. Large dining hall/meeting room with a stage and adjoining full kitchen. Capacity 25-100
    • An adjoining large activity hall is also available. Capacity 25-100 (combined, 200 guests maximum)
  • The church sanctuary is available for limited use. These are usually weddings, funerals, lectures, music concerts and presentations. Capacity 25-200


  • Grace Lounge. This is a comfortable spot with couches and chairs and a small kitchenette. Capacity 10-30
  • The Upper Rooms. These two adjoining rooms next to the church sanctuary have a small kitchen, TV, and WIFI for presentations. There is a large conference table in one of the rooms. The rest of the space is flexible, it can be customized with tables and chairs as needed. Capacity 30-80

Accessibility note: At this time none of the rooms are wheelchair accessible. We are reviewing some proposals to change that.


  • Alcohol is not permitted at any event. 
  • If you block a neighbor’s driveway, you may be ticketed. Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church is not responsible for paying for parking violations that your guests incur, if any.
  • You are responsible for set-up and clean-up after your event, and to return the room (and supplies) in the condition that you found them.
  • All trash must be disposed of in the trash cans located in the side alley at the rear of the church.
  • Parking is a big issue for our residential neighbors. For a group of 40 or more people we ask that attendees carpool and spread out the parking IE: park a little further if things are congested and walk a block or so to the church as needed.

By signing below, you agree to the above event rental terms

Signature: _________________________ Date: ________________


  • $80 an hour for Fellowship Hall for up to 40 guests. $100 for 40-80 guests.
  • Plus $50 flat fee for opening and closing

1.  Group/Individual Requesting: 

Name     _____________________________

City, State, _____________________________

 Zip     _____________________________

Address _____________________________

Phone     _____________________________

Email  _____________________________

2.  Room(s) requested: 

3.  Describe Your Event:

4.  Date(s) requested: ____________________

5.  Beginning and Ending Times – ___:___  a.m./p.m. to ___:___  a.m./p.m.

(Please allow time for set-up and clean-up)

6.  Attendance anticipated: _____________________________

7. Will you require the use of the kitchen? Y/N

8.  Number of vehicles estimated needing parking: _____________________________

Approved By:  (office use only)

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