Food Assistance Information
- The Upper Darby Emergency Food Cupboard, 7766 Wayne Avenue, is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00-Noon. (Tel. 610.853.2481).
- At First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne—Interfaith Food Cupboard (tel. 610-622-0800, x 4)
- Grab-and-Go Meals for children of William Penn District, Mondays through Fridays
- Upper Darby Township, with the Share Food Program, offers free boxes of food to Township residents Wednesdays and Saturdays. Information: Upper Darby Share Food Program
Tel. 610-734-7625 - Life Center – Information: Doris Innes, Kendra Platt
- Philabundance – at multiple locations in Upper Darby
- Delaware County List