Morning Worship
October 11, 2020
Beverly Hills United Presbyterian Church, Upper Darby
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lansdowne
This week’s Scripture: Amos 9.11-15
Music: “Sing with All the Saints in Glory,” “Build Our Life,” “Unchanging”
Join the Service from a computer or device (Zoom Meeting):
Join by phone: Call this number: +1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 860 0274 0088
Honor the Lord with your stewardship offerings to sustain our worship and work in our community and world.
By mail: Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church, 500 Midvale Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082
Online: You may now also choose to contribute through an online giving form.

Today’s Scripture
Amos 9:11-15 (Israel’s Restoration)
11 “In that day
“I will restore David’s fallen shelter—
I will repair its broken walls
and restore its ruins—
and will rebuild it as it used to be,
12 so that they may possess the remnant of Edom
and all the nations that bear my name,[a]”
declares the Lord, who will do these things.
13 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord,
“when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman
and the planter by the one treading grapes.
New wine will drip from the mountains
and flow from all the hills,
14 and I will bring my people Israel back from exile.[b]
“They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them.
They will plant vineyards and drink their wine;
they will make gardens and eat their fruit.
15 I will plant Israel in their own land,
never again to be uprooted
from the land I have given them,”
says the Lord your God.
Evangelism/Discipleship Group –Wednesday, October 21 at 7:00 on Zoom –
“1 Peter 2.1-10: The Motivation for Mission.” — Meeting ID: 865 8949 3548
One tap mobile – +19292056099,,87488697749# US (New York)
Telephone – +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) or +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
For Food Assistance Information, see the church websites at or .
You are welcome to contact Pastor Tung directly for pastoral needs. Tel. 610.246.8240 • Email –
Pastors Nancy Haigh Ross and LoisAnn Furgess-Oler are also assisting in visitation. Pastor Ross: 267.254.0187 • Pastor Furgess-Oler: 410.239.1515
Prayer List(Recent congregational requests have been combined.)
Roberta Neill Dave Lewis
Muirin Law Todd Dieter
Brian Callaghan Kyle and Family in Colorado
Marilyn Smith Phyllis Van Arsdale
Don Van Krieken Fletcher McTaggart
Beverly Riley Memory of Carol Sanger
Linda Wisham John Boohar
Ann & Tom Shiffer
St. Paul’s Congregation Council – BHPC Session
The Opioid Crisis The COVID-19 Pandemic
The Unemployed and Underemployed Nursing Homes
Borough of Lansdowne William Penn School District
Upper Darby Township Upper Darby School District
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, SE Pennsylvania Synod
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Presbytery of Philadelphia
Community of Believers in Christ Pentecostal Church

Week 41 Prayer Guide –On Russia, especially its North Caucasus Region.
10:30 a.m. – Morning Worship
“Keeping It Real: That Verse on the Liberty Bell”
Pastor Tung
Leviticus 25.1-17