Beverly Hills United Presbyterian Church, Upper Darby
The Lord’s Day
August 1, 2021
Sunday Service
“Rebuild: Finding Focus”
11:00 am Morning Worship
In person:Beverly Hills Church
500 Midvale Road • Upper Darby, PA 19082
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Join the Service from a computer or device (Zoom Meeting):
Join by phone: Call this number: +1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 860 0274 0088
Honor the Lord with your stewardship offerings
to sustain our worship and work in our community and world.
By mail: Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church, 500 Midvale Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082
Online: You may now also choose to contribute through an online giving form.
Proverbs 3:9-10
9 Honor the Lord with your wealth,
with the firstfruits of all your crops;
10 then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
and your vats will brim over with new wine.
Prelude Emily Greco, piano
Welcome and Announcements Kendra Platt
Opening Prayer
Hymn 38 Hanover
“You Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim”
Morning Has Broken
Eleanor Farjeon – Tune: Bunessan
Jane Henwood
Scripture – 1 John 2.14-16
“REBUILD: Finding Focus”Pastor Tung
Invitation to the Table – The Institution
Communion Prayer – Our Lord’s Prayer
Breaking of Bread – Communion of the People
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn 634 More Love to Thee
“More Love to Thee, O Christ”
Blessing and Dismissal
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Thanks be to God!
The congregation standing
“Jesus didn’t say, ‘Blessed are those who care for the poor.’ He said, ‘Blessed are we where we are poor, where we are broken.’ It is there that God loves us deeply and pulls us into deeper communion with himself.” – Henri Nouwen
You are welcome to contact Pastor Tung directly for pastoral needs.
Tel. 610.246.8240 • Email –
11:00 a.m. – Morning Worship
“The Christian Two-Step: CHRIST’S CROSS, OUR GAIN”
Pastor Tung preaching
1 Corinthians 1.22-31
Join us on Zoom –
1 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 860 0274 0088
Evangelism/Discipleship Group – This Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m. at Rosati Ice, 201 East Madison Avenue, Clifton Heights.
Monthly Prayer Meeting – Saturday, August 21, 10:00-30, on Zoom, as we pray together for God’s renewing guidance and power. Information: Art Tung
Culture, Diversity, and Relationships in Christ’s Church – Discussion of Caste by Isabel Wilkerson with Pastor Nate Goodson of Prayer Chapel Church of God in Christ. Next meeting date TBD – Information: Art Tung
Annual Backpack School Supplies (and Financial) Collection concludes today, as we join with neighboring congregations to donate and fund backpacks and supplies to needy local students – mostly at Chester Eastside Ministries and the after-school program of Christ Lutheran Church, Upper Darby. Sponsored by the Delco Conference of the Synod of Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Prayer List
Jeanne Grace’s great niece, Molly; MaryJeanne Grace’s friend’s son, JohnLara Weiant, TomThe SessionPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Presbytery of Philadelphia | The COVID-19 PandemicThe Opioid Crisis Nursing HomesThe Unemployed, underemployed Upper Darby School DistrictUpper Darby Township |